/* Copyright 2002-2008 Corey Trager Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License */ using System; using System.Data; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.DirectoryServices.Protocols; namespace btnet { public class Authenticate { // returns user id public static bool check_password(string username, string password) { if (btnet.Util.get_setting("AuthenticateUsingLdap","0") == "1") { return check_password_with_ldap(username, password); } else { return check_password_with_db(username, password); } } public static bool check_password_with_ldap(string username, string password) { string dn = btnet.Util.get_setting( "LdapUserDistinguishedName", ""); string ldap_server = btnet.Util.get_setting( "LdapServer", ""); dn = dn.Replace("$REPLACE_WITH_USERNAME$", username); LdapConnection ldap = new LdapConnection(ldap_server); System.Net.NetworkCredential cred = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(dn, password); ldap.AuthType = AuthType.Basic; try { ldap.Bind(cred); btnet.Util.write_to_log("LDAP authentication ok: " + username); return true; } catch (LdapException e) { string s = e.Message; if (e.InnerException != null) { s += "\n"; s += e.InnerException.Message; } // write the message to the log btnet.Util.write_to_log("LDAP authentication failed: " + s); return false; } } public static bool check_password_with_db(string username, string password) { DbUtil dbutil = new DbUtil(); string sql = @" select us_username, us_id, us_password, isnull(us_salt,0) us_salt, us_active from users where us_username = N'$username'"; sql = sql.Replace("$username",username.Replace("'","''")); DataRow dr = dbutil.get_datarow(sql); if (dr == null) { Util.write_to_log("Unknown user " + username + " attempted to login."); return false; } int us_active = (int) dr["us_active"]; if (us_active == 0) { Util.write_to_log("Inactive user " + username + " attempted to login."); return false; } int us_salt = (int) dr["us_salt"]; string encrypted; string us_password = (string) dr["us_password"]; if (us_password.Length < 32) // if password in db is unencrypted { encrypted = password; // in other words, unecrypted } else if (us_salt == 0) { encrypted = Util.encrypt_string_using_MD5(password); } else { encrypted = Util.encrypt_string_using_MD5(password + Convert.ToString(us_salt)); } if (encrypted == us_password) { // Authenticated, but let's do a better job encrypting the password. // If it is not encrypted, or, if it is encrypted without salt, then // update it so that it is encrypted WITH salt. if (us_salt == 0 || us_password.Length < 32) { btnet.Util.update_user_password(dbutil, (int) dr["us_id"], password); } return true; } else { Util.write_to_log("User " + username + " entered an incorrect password."); return false; } } } }