/* Copyright 2002-2008 Corey Trager Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License */ using System; using System.Web; using System.Data; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; namespace btnet { public class PrintBug { static Regex reEmail = new Regex( @"([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+)@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\." + @")|(([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\.)+))([a-zA-Z]{2,4}|[0-9]{1,3})", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.CultureInvariant | RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace | RegexOptions.Compiled); // convert URL's to hyperlinks static Regex reHyperlinks = new Regex( @"(?\w+):\/\/(?[\w.]+\/?)\S*", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.CultureInvariant | RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace | RegexOptions.Compiled); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static void print_bug (HttpResponse Response, DataRow dr, bool this_is_admin, bool this_external_user, bool include_style) { int bugid = Convert.ToInt32(dr["id"]); string string_bugid = Convert.ToString(bugid); if (include_style) // when sending emails { Response.Write("\n\n"); } Response.Write (""); Response.Write ("" + btnet.Util.capitalize_first_letter(btnet.Util.get_setting("SingularBugLabel","bug")) + " ID: " + string_bugid + "
"); Response.Write ("Short desc: " + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode((string)dr["short_desc"]) + "

"); // start of the table with the bug fields Response.Write ("\n"); Response.Write("\n
Last changed by" + btnet.Util.format_username((string)dr["last_updated_user"],(string)dr["last_updated_fullname"]) + " "); Response.Write("\n
Reported By" + btnet.Util.format_username((string)dr["reporter"],(string)dr["reporter_fullname"]) + " "); Response.Write("\n
Reported On" + btnet.Util.format_db_date(dr["reported_date"]) + " "); Response.Write("\n
Project" + dr["current_project"] + " "); Response.Write("\n
Organization" + dr["og_name"] + " "); Response.Write("\n
Category" + dr["category_name"] + " "); Response.Write("\n
Priority" + dr["priority_name"] + " "); Response.Write("\n
Assigned" + btnet.Util.format_username((string)dr["assigned_to_username"],(string)dr["assigned_to_fullname"]) + " "); Response.Write("\n
Status" + dr["status_name"] + " "); if (btnet.Util.get_setting("ShowUserDefinedBugAttribute","1") == "1") { Response.Write("\n
" + btnet.Util.get_setting("UserDefinedBugAttributeName","YOUR ATTRIBUTE") + "" + dr["udf_name"] + " "); } // Get custom column info (There's an inefficiency here - we just did this // same call in get_bug_datarow...) DbUtil dbutil = new DbUtil(); DataSet ds_custom_cols = btnet.Util.get_custom_columns(dbutil); // Show custom columns foreach (DataRow drcc in ds_custom_cols.Tables[0].Rows) { Response.Write("\n
"); Response.Write (drcc["name"]); Response.Write (""); if ((string)drcc["datatype"] == "datetime") { object dt = dr[(string)drcc["name"]]; Response.Write (btnet.Util.format_db_date(dt)); } else { string s = ""; if ((string)drcc["dropdown type"] == "users") { object obj = dr[(string)drcc["name"]]; if (obj.GetType().ToString() != "System.DBNull") { int userid = Convert.ToInt32(obj); if (userid != 0) { string sql_get_username = "select us_username from users where us_id = $1"; s = (string) dbutil.execute_scalar(sql_get_username.Replace("$1", Convert.ToString(userid))); } } } else { s = Convert.ToString(dr[(string)drcc["name"]]); } s = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(s); s = s.Replace("\n","
"); s = s.Replace(" ","  "); s = s.Replace("\t","    "); Response.Write (s); } Response.Write (" "); } // create project custom dropdowns if ((int)dr["project"] != 0) { string sql = @"select isnull(pj_enable_custom_dropdown1,0) [pj_enable_custom_dropdown1], isnull(pj_enable_custom_dropdown2,0) [pj_enable_custom_dropdown2], isnull(pj_enable_custom_dropdown3,0) [pj_enable_custom_dropdown3], isnull(pj_custom_dropdown_label1,'') [pj_custom_dropdown_label1], isnull(pj_custom_dropdown_label2,'') [pj_custom_dropdown_label2], isnull(pj_custom_dropdown_label3,'') [pj_custom_dropdown_label3] from projects where pj_id = $pj"; sql = sql.Replace("$pj", Convert.ToString((int)dr["project"])); DataRow project_dr = dbutil.get_datarow(sql); if (project_dr != null) { for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) { if ((int)project_dr["pj_enable_custom_dropdown" + Convert.ToString(i)] == 1) { Response.Write("\n
"); Response.Write (project_dr["pj_custom_dropdown_label" + Convert.ToString(i)]); Response.Write (""); Response.Write (dr["bg_project_custom_dropdown_value" + Convert.ToString(i)]); Response.Write (" "); } } } } Response.Write("\n

"); // end of the table with the bug fields // don't write links, don't show images, do show update history write_posts (Response, bugid, 0, false, false, true, this_is_admin, false, this_external_user); Response.Write (""); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static void write_posts( HttpResponse Response, int bugid, int permission_level, bool write_links, bool images_inline, bool history_inline, bool this_is_admin, bool this_can_edit_and_delete_posts, bool this_external_user) { if (Util.get_setting("ForceBordersInEmails","0") == "1") { Response.Write ("\n"); } else { Response.Write ("\n
"); } DataSet ds_posts = btnet.Bug.get_bug_posts(bugid); int bp_id; int prev_bp_id = -1; foreach (DataRow dr in ds_posts.Tables[0].Rows) { if (this_external_user) { if ((int)dr["bp_hidden_from_external_users"] == 1) { continue; // don't show } } bp_id = (int) dr["bp_id"]; if ((string)dr["bp_type"] == "update") { if (!history_inline) { continue; } } if (bp_id == prev_bp_id) { // show another attachment write_email_attachment(Response, bugid, dr, write_links, images_inline); } else { // show the comment and maybe an attachment if (prev_bp_id != -1) { Response.Write ("\n
"); // end the previous table } write_post(Response, bugid, permission_level, dr, bp_id, write_links, images_inline, this_is_admin, this_can_edit_and_delete_posts, this_external_user); if (Convert.ToString(dr["ba_file"]) != "") // intentially "ba" { write_email_attachment(Response, bugid, dr, write_links, images_inline); } prev_bp_id = bp_id; } } if (prev_bp_id != -1) { Response.Write ("\n"); // end the previous table } Response.Write ("\n"); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static void write_post( HttpResponse Response, int bugid, int permission_level, DataRow dr, int post_id, bool write_links, bool images_inline, bool this_is_admin, bool this_can_edit_and_delete_posts, bool this_external_user) { string type = (string)dr["bp_type"]; string string_post_id = Convert.ToString(post_id); string string_bug_id = Convert.ToString(bugid); Response.Write ("\n\n\n\n
"); /* Format one of the following: changed by email sent to email received from file attached by comment posted by */ if (type == "update") { // posted by Response.Write ("changed by "); Response.Write (format_email_username( write_links, bugid, (string) dr["us_email"], (string) dr["us_username"], (string) dr["us_fullname"])); } else if (type == "sent") { Response.Write ("email " + Convert.ToString(post_id) + " sent to "); if (write_links) { Response.Write (format_email_to( bugid, HttpUtility.HtmlEncode((string)dr["bp_email_to"]))); } else { Response.Write (HttpUtility.HtmlEncode((string)dr["bp_email_to"])); } Response.Write (" by "); Response.Write (format_email_username( write_links, bugid, (string) dr["us_email"], (string) dr["us_username"], (string) dr["us_fullname"])); } else if (type == "received" ) { Response.Write ("email " + Convert.ToString(post_id) + " received from "); if (write_links) { Response.Write (format_email_from( post_id, (string)dr["bp_email_from"])); } else { Response.Write ((string)dr["bp_email_from"]); } } else if (type == "file" ) { if ((int) dr["bp_hidden_from_external_users"] == 1) { Response.Write("
Internal Only!
"); } Response.Write ("file " + Convert.ToString(post_id) + " attached by "); Response.Write (format_email_username( write_links, bugid, (string) dr["us_email"], (string) dr["us_username"], (string) dr["us_fullname"])); } else if (type == "comment" ) { if ((int) dr["bp_hidden_from_external_users"] == 1) { Response.Write("
Internal Only!
"); } Response.Write ("comment " + Convert.ToString(post_id) + " posted by "); Response.Write (format_email_username( write_links, bugid, (string) dr["us_email"], (string) dr["us_username"], (string) dr["us_fullname"])); } else { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false); } // Format the date Response.Write (" on "); Response.Write (btnet.Util.format_db_date(dr["bp_date"])); Response.Write (", " + Convert.ToString(dr["days_ago"]) + " days ago"); Response.Write (""); // Write the links if (write_links) { Response.Write ("
 "); if (permission_level != Security.PERMISSION_READONLY) { if (type == "comment" || type == "sent" || type == "received") { Response.Write ("   forward"); } } // format links for responding to email if (type == "received" ) { if (this_is_admin || (this_can_edit_and_delete_posts && permission_level == Security.PERMISSION_ALL)) { // This doesn't just work. Need to make changes in edit/delete pages. // Response.Write ("   edit"); // This delete leaves debris around, but it's better than nothing Response.Write ("   delete"); } if (permission_level != Security.PERMISSION_READONLY) { Response.Write ("   reply"); Response.Write ("   reply all"); } } else if (type == "file") { if (this_is_admin || (this_can_edit_and_delete_posts && permission_level == Security.PERMISSION_ALL)) { Response.Write ("   edit"); Response.Write ("   delete"); } } else if (type == "comment") { if (this_is_admin || (this_can_edit_and_delete_posts && permission_level == Security.PERMISSION_ALL)) { Response.Write ("   edit"); Response.Write ("   delete"); } } // custom bug link if (btnet.Util.get_setting("CustomPostLinkLabel","") != "") { string custom_post_link = "   " + btnet.Util.get_setting("CustomPostLinkLabel","") + ""; Response.Write (custom_post_link); } } Response.Write ("\n
"); // the text itself string comment = (string) dr["bp_comment"]; string comment_type = (string) dr["bp_content_type"]; comment = format_comment(comment, comment_type); if (type == "file") { if (comment.Length > 0) { Response.Write (comment); Response.Write ("

"); } Response.Write (""); if (write_links) { Response.Write(""); } Response.Write ("attachment: "); Response.Write (dr["bp_file"]); if (write_links) { Response.Write ("   view"); Response.Write ("   save"); } Response.Write ("

size: "); Response.Write (dr["bp_size"]); Response.Write ("   content-type: "); Response.Write (dr["bp_content_type"]); Response.Write (""); } else { Response.Write (comment); } // maybe show inline images if (type == "file") { if (images_inline) { string file = Convert.ToString(dr["bp_file"]); write_file_inline (Response, file, string_post_id, string_bug_id); } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// protected static void write_email_attachment(HttpResponse Response, int bugid, DataRow dr, bool write_links, bool images_inline) { string string_post_id = Convert.ToString(dr["ba_id"]); // intentially "ba" string string_bug_id = Convert.ToString(bugid); Response.Write ("\n

"); if (write_links) { Response.Write(""); } Response.Write("attachment: "); Response.Write (dr["ba_file"]); // intentially "ba" Response.Write ("    "); if (write_links) { Response.Write ("view    "); Response.Write ("save"); } if (images_inline) { string file = Convert.ToString(dr["ba_file"]); // intentially "ba" write_file_inline (Response, file, string_post_id, string_bug_id); } Response.Write ("

size: "); Response.Write (dr["ba_size"]); Response.Write ("   content-type: "); Response.Write (dr["ba_content_type"]); Response.Write (""); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// protected static void write_file_inline (HttpResponse Response, string file, string string_post_id, string string_bug_id) { if (file.ToLower().EndsWith(".gif") || file.ToLower().EndsWith(".jpg") || file.ToLower().EndsWith(".jpeg") || file.ToLower().EndsWith(".bmp") || file.ToLower().EndsWith(".png")) { Response.Write ("

" + "" + "[+] " + "" + "[-]" + "
"); } else if (file.ToLower().EndsWith(".html") || file.ToLower().EndsWith(".htm") || file.ToLower().EndsWith(".ini") || file.ToLower().EndsWith(".xml") || file.ToLower().EndsWith(".txt")) { Response.Write ("

" + "" + "[+] " + "" + "[-]" + "
"); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static string format_email_username( bool write_links, int bugid, string email, string username, string fullname) { if (email != null && email != "" && write_links) { return "" + btnet.Util.format_username(username, fullname) + ""; } else { return btnet.Util.format_username(username, fullname); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static string format_email_to(int bugid, string email) { return "" + email + ""; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static string format_email_from(int comment_id, string from) { string display_part = ""; string email_part = ""; int pos = from.IndexOf("<"); // " if (pos > 0) { display_part = from.Substring(0, pos); email_part = from.Substring(pos + 1, (from.Length - pos) - 2); } else { email_part = from; } return display_part + "" + email_part + ""; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static string format_comment(string s1, string t1) { string s2; string link_marker; if (t1 != "text/html") { s2 = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(s1); // convert urls to links s2 = reHyperlinks.Replace( s2, new MatchEvaluator(convert_to_hyperlink)); // convert email addresses to mailto links s2 = reEmail.Replace( s2, new MatchEvaluator(convert_to_email)); s2 = s2.Replace("\n", "
"); s2 = s2.Replace(" ", "  "); s2 = s2.Replace("\t", "    "); // convert references to other bugs to links link_marker = Util.get_setting("BugLinkMarker", "bugid#"); Regex reLinkMarker = new Regex(link_marker + "[0-9]+"); s2 = reLinkMarker.Replace( s2, new MatchEvaluator(convert_bug_link)); // wrap it up with the proper style return "" + s2 + ""; } else { s2 = s1; link_marker = Util.get_setting("BugLinkMarker", "bugid#"); Regex reLinkMarker = new Regex(link_marker + "[0-9]+"); s2 = reLinkMarker.Replace( s2, new MatchEvaluator(convert_bug_link)); return s2; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static string convert_to_email(Match m) { // Get the matched string. return String.Format("{0}", m.ToString()); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static string convert_bug_link(Match m) { string link_marker = Util.get_setting("BugLinkMarker", "bugid#"); string just_number = m.ToString().Replace(link_marker, ""); return "" + m.ToString() + ""; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static string convert_to_hyperlink(Match m) { return String.Format("{0}", m.ToString()); } } // end PrintBug } // end namespace