Copyright 2002-2008 Corey Trager
Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License
using System;
using System.Web;
using System.Data;
//using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.IO;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace btnet
public class Security {
public const int MUST_BE_ADMIN = 1;
public const int ANY_USER_OK = 2;
public const int ANY_USER_OK_EXCEPT_GUEST = 3;
public const int MUST_BE_ADMIN_OR_PROJECT_ADMIN = 4;
public const int PERMISSION_NONE = 0;
public const int PERMISSION_READONLY = 1;
public const int PERMISSION_REPORTER = 3;
public const int PERMISSION_ALL = 2;
public User user = new User();
public string auth_method = "";
public void check_security(DbUtil dbutil, HttpContext asp_net_context, int level)
HttpRequest Request = asp_net_context.Request;
HttpResponse Response = asp_net_context.Response;
HttpCookie cookie = Request.Cookies["se_id"];
// This logic allows somebody to put a link in an email, like
// edit_bug.aspx?id=66
// The user would click on the link, go to the logon page (default.aspx),
// and then after logging in continue on to edit_bug.aspx?id=66
string original_url = Request.ServerVariables["URL"].ToString().ToLower();
string original_querystring = Request.ServerVariables["QUERY_STRING"].ToString().ToLower();
string target = "default.aspx?url=" + original_url + "&qs=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(original_querystring);
DataRow dr = null;
if (cookie == null)
if (Util.get_setting("AllowGuestWithoutLogin","0") == "0")
Util.write_to_log ("se_id cookie is null, so redirecting");
Util.write_to_log ("Trouble logging in? Your browser might be failing to send back its cookie.");
Util.write_to_log ("See Help forum at http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?forum_id=226938");
// guard against "Sql Injection" exploit
string se_id = cookie.Value.Replace("'", "''");
// check for existing session for active user
string sql = @"/* check session */
declare @project_admin int
select @project_admin = count(1)
from sessions
inner join project_user_xref on pu_user = se_user
and pu_admin = 1
where se_id = '$se';
select us_id, us_admin,
us_username, us_firstname, us_lastname,
isnull(us_email,'') us_email,
isnull(us_bugs_per_page,10) us_bugs_per_page,
isnull(us_forced_project,0) us_forced_project,
isnull(us_forced_project, 0 ) us_forced_project,
isnull(pu_permission_level, $dpl) pu_permission_level,
@project_admin [project_admin]
from sessions
inner join users on se_user = us_id
inner join orgs og on us_org = og_id
left outer join project_user_xref
on pu_project = us_forced_project
and pu_user = us_id
where se_id = '$se'
and us_active = 1";
sql = sql.Replace("$se", se_id);
sql = sql.Replace("$dpl", Util.get_setting("DefaultPermissionLevel","2"));
dr = dbutil.get_datarow(sql);
if (dr == null)
if (Util.get_setting("AllowGuestWithoutLogin","0") == "1")
// allow users in, even without logging on.
// The user will have the permissions of the "guest" user.
string sql = @"/* get guest */
select us_id, us_admin,
us_username, us_firstname, us_lastname,
isnull(us_email,'') us_email,
isnull(us_bugs_per_page,10) us_bugs_per_page,
isnull(us_forced_project,0) us_forced_project,
isnull(us_forced_project, 0 ) us_forced_project,
isnull(pu_permission_level, $dpl) pu_permission_level,
0 [project_admin]
from users
inner join orgs og on us_org = og_id
left outer join project_user_xref
on pu_project = us_forced_project
and pu_user = us_id
where us_username = 'guest'
and us_active = 1";
sql = sql.Replace("$dpl", Util.get_setting("DefaultPermissionLevel","2"));
dr = dbutil.get_datarow(sql);
// no previous session, no guest login allowed
if (dr == null)
if (cookie != null)
asp_net_context.Session["session_cookie"] = cookie.Value;
asp_net_context.Session["session_cookie"] = "";
if (level == MUST_BE_ADMIN && !user.is_admin)
else if (level == ANY_USER_OK_EXCEPT_GUEST && user.is_guest)
else if (level == MUST_BE_ADMIN_OR_PROJECT_ADMIN && !user.is_admin && !user.is_project_admin)
if (Util.get_setting("WindowsAuthentication","0") == "1")
auth_method = "windows";
auth_method = "plain";
public void write_menu_item(HttpResponse Response,
string this_link, string menu_item, string href)
if (this_link == menu_item)
if (menu_item == "about")
Response.Write(" | ");
public void write_menu(HttpResponse Response, string this_link)
// topmost visible HTML
string custom_header = (string)Util.context.Application["custom_header"];
} // end Security
// Util
public class Util {
public static HttpContext context = null;
private static HttpRequest Request = null;
//private static HttpResponse Response = null;
//private static HttpServerUtility Server = null;
static object dummy = new object();
static Regex reCommas = new Regex(",");
static Regex rePipes = new Regex("\\|");
static Regex reEmail = new Regex("^([a-zA-Z0-9_\\-\\.]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9_\\-\\.]+)\\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})$");
public static bool validate_email(string s)
return reEmail.IsMatch(s);
public static void set_context(HttpContext asp_net_context)
context = asp_net_context;
Request = context.Request;
//Response = context.Response;
//Server = context.Server;
Util.write_to_log ("url=" + Request.Url.PathAndQuery);
public static string get_form_name() {
if (Environment.Version.ToString().Substring(0,1) == "1")
return "_ctl0";
return "ctl00";
public static string get_log_file_path() {
// determine log file name
string log_file_folder = Util.get_log_folder();
DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
string now_string =
+ "_" +
+ "_" +
string path = log_file_folder
+ "\\"
+ "btnet_log_"
+ now_string
+ ".txt";
return path;
public static void write_to_log(string s)
if (Util.get_setting("LogEnabled","1") == "0")
string path = get_log_file_path();
System.IO.StreamWriter w = System.IO.File.AppendText(path);
// write to it
string url = "";
if (Util.Request != null)
url = Util.Request.Url.ToString();
w.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
+ " "
+ url
+ " "
+ s);
public static void do_not_cache(HttpResponse Response)
Response.CacheControl = "no-cache";
Response.AddHeader ("Pragma", "no-cache");
Response.Expires = -1;
public static string get_setting(string name, string default_value)
NameValueCollection name_values
= (NameValueCollection)System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.GetSection("btnetSettings");
if (name_values[name] == null || name_values[name] == "")
return default_value;
return name_values[name];
public static bool is_int(string maybe_int)
int i = Int32.Parse(maybe_int);
return true;
catch (Exception)
return false;
public static bool is_datetime(string maybe_datetime)
DateTime d;
d = DateTime.Parse(maybe_datetime,get_culture_info());
return true;
catch (Exception)
return false;
public static string bool_to_string(bool b)
return (b ? "1" : "0");
public static string strip_html(string html) {
return HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(Regex.Replace(html, @"<(.|\n)*?>", string.Empty));
public static System.Globalization.CultureInfo get_culture_info()
// Create a basic culture object to provide also all input parsing
return new System.Globalization.CultureInfo(get_setting("CultureName",System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.Name));
public static string format_db_date(object date)
if (date.GetType().ToString() == "System.DBNull")
return "";
// not sure when this case happens, but it's a workaround for a bug
// somebody reported, 1257368
else if (date.GetType().ToString() == "System.String")
return date.ToString();
return ((DateTime)date).ToString(get_setting("DateTimeFormat","g"),get_culture_info());
//modified by CJU on jan 9 2008
public static string format_db_value( Decimal val ) {
return val.ToString( get_culture_info( ) );
public static string format_db_value( DateTime val ) {
return format_db_date( val );
public static string format_db_value( object val ) {
if( val is Decimal )
return format_db_value( (Decimal)val );
if( val is DateTime )
return format_db_value( (DateTime)val );
return HttpUtility.HtmlEncode( Convert.ToString( val ) );
//end modified by CJU on jan 9 2008
public static string format_local_date_into_db_format(string date)
// seems to already be in the right format
DateTime d;
d = DateTime.Parse(date,get_culture_info());
catch (FormatException)
// Can not translate this
return "";
// Note that yyyyMMdd hh:mm:ss is a universal SQL dateformat for strings.
return d.ToString(get_setting("SQLServerDateFormat","yyyyMMdd hh:mm:ss"));
public static string format_local_decimal_into_db_format( string val )
decimal x = decimal.Parse(val, get_culture_info());
return x.ToString( System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture );
public static string alter_sql_per_project_permissions(string sql, Security security)
string project_permissions_sql;
string dpl = Util.get_setting("DefaultPermissionLevel","2");
if (dpl == "0")
project_permissions_sql = @" (bg_project in (
select pu_project
from project_user_xref
where pu_user = $user
and pu_permission_level > 0)) ";
project_permissions_sql = @" (bg_project not in (
select pu_project
from project_user_xref
where pu_user = $user
and pu_permission_level = 0)) ";
if (security.user.other_orgs_permission_level == 0)
project_permissions_sql += @"
and bg_org = $user.org ";
= project_permissions_sql.Replace("$user.org",Convert.ToString(security.user.org));
= project_permissions_sql.Replace("$user",Convert.ToString(security.user.usid));
// figure out where to alter sql for project permissions
string bug_sql;
int where_pos = sql.IndexOf("WhErE"); // first look for a "special" where, case sensitive, in case there are multiple where's to choose from
if (where_pos == -1) where_pos = sql.ToUpper().IndexOf("WHERE");
int order_pos = sql.ToUpper().LastIndexOf("ORDER BY");
if (order_pos < where_pos) order_pos = -1; // ignore an order by that occurs in a subquery, for example
Util.write_to_log(Convert.ToString(sql.Length) + " " + Convert.ToString(where_pos) + " " + Convert.ToString(order_pos));
if (where_pos != -1 && order_pos != -1)
// both WHERE and ORDER BY clauses
bug_sql = sql.Substring(0,where_pos + 5)
+ " /* altered - both */ ( "
+ sql.Substring(where_pos + 5, order_pos-(where_pos+5))
+ " ) AND ( "
+ project_permissions_sql
+ " ) "
+ sql.Substring(order_pos);
else if (order_pos == -1 && where_pos == -1)
// Neither
bug_sql = sql + " /* altered - neither */ WHERE " + project_permissions_sql;
else if (order_pos == -1)
// WHERE, without order
bug_sql = sql.Substring(0,where_pos + 5)
+ " /* altered - just where */ ( "
+ sql.Substring(where_pos + 5)
+ " ) AND ( "
+ project_permissions_sql + " )";
// ORDER BY, without WHERE
bug_sql = sql.Substring(0,order_pos)
+ " /* altered - just order by */ WHERE "
+ project_permissions_sql
+ sql.Substring(order_pos);
return bug_sql;
public static string encrypt_string_using_MD5(string s)
byte[] byte_array = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(s);
System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm alg =
byte[] byte_array2 = alg.ComputeHash(byte_array);
System.Text.StringBuilder sb
= new System.Text.StringBuilder(byte_array2.Length);
foreach(byte b in byte_array2)
sb.AppendFormat("{0:X2}", b);
return sb.ToString();
public static void update_user_password(DbUtil dbutil, int us_id, string unencypted)
Random random = new Random();
int salt = random.Next(10000, 99999);
string encrypted = Util.encrypt_string_using_MD5(unencypted + Convert.ToString(salt));
string sql = "update users set us_password = N'$en', us_salt = $salt where us_id = $id";
sql = sql.Replace("$en", encrypted);
sql = sql.Replace("$salt", Convert.ToString(salt));
sql = sql.Replace("$id", Convert.ToString(us_id));
public static string capitalize_first_letter(string s)
if (s.Length > 0 && Util.get_setting("NoCapitalization","0") == "0")
return s.Substring(0,1).ToUpper() + s.Substring(1,s.Length-1);
return s;
public static string sanitize_integer(string s)
int n;
string s2;
n = Convert.ToInt32(s);
s2 = Convert.ToString(n);
throw (new Exception("Expected integer. Possible SQL injection attempt?"));
return s;
public static bool is_numeric_datatype(string datatype)
if (datatype == "System.Int32"
|| datatype == "System.Decimal"
|| datatype == "System.Double"
|| datatype == "System.Single"
|| datatype == "System.UInt32"
|| datatype == "System.Int64"
|| datatype == "System.UInt64"
|| datatype == "System.Int16"
|| datatype == "System.UInt16")
return true;
return false;
public static string format_username(string username, string fullname)
if (Util.get_setting("UseFullNames","0") == "0")
return username;
return fullname;
protected static string get_absolute_or_relative_folder(string folder)
if (folder.IndexOf(":") == 1
|| folder.StartsWith("\\\\"))
// leave as is
return folder;
return context.Server.MapPath("./") + folder;
public static string get_upload_folder()
String folder = Util.get_setting("UploadFolder", "");
if (folder == "")
return null;
folder = get_absolute_or_relative_folder(folder);
if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(folder))
throw (new Exception("UploadFolder specified in Web.config, \""
+ folder
+ "\", not found. Edit Web.config."));
return folder;
public static string get_log_folder()
string folder = get_absolute_or_relative_folder(
if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(folder))
throw (new Exception("LogFileFolder specified in Web.config, \""
+ folder
+ "\", not found. Edit Web.config."));
return folder;
public static string[] split_string_using_commas(string s)
return reCommas.Split(s);
public static string[] split_string_using_pipes(string s)
return rePipes.Split(s);
public static DataTable get_related_users(Security security, DbUtil dbutil)
string sql = "";
if (Util.get_setting("DefaultPermissionLevel","2") == "0")
// only show users who have explicit permission
// for projects that this user has permissions for
sql = @"
/* get related users 1 */
select us_id,
case when $fullnames then
case rtrim(us_firstname)
when null then isnull(us_lastname, '')
when '' then isnull(us_lastname, '')
else isnull(us_lastname + ', ' + us_firstname,'')
else us_username end us_username,
into #temp
from users
inner join orgs on us_org = og_id
where us_id in
(select pu1.pu_user from project_user_xref pu1
where pu1.pu_project in
(select pu2.pu_project from project_user_xref pu2
where pu2.pu_user = $user.usid
and pu2.pu_permission_level <> 0
and pu1.pu_permission_level <> 0
if $og_external_user = 1 -- external
and $og_other_orgs_permission_level = 0 -- other orgs
delete from #temp where us_org <> $user.org and us_id <> $user.usid
select us_id, us_username from #temp order by us_username
drop table #temp";
// show users UNLESS they have been explicitly excluded
// from all the projects the viewer is able to view
// the cartesian join in the first select is intentional
/* get related users 2 */
select pj_id, us_id,
case when $fullnames then
case rtrim(us_firstname)
when null then isnull(us_lastname, '')
when '' then isnull(us_lastname, '')
else isnull(us_lastname + ', ' + us_firstname,'')
else us_username end us_username
into #temp
from projects, users
where pj_id not in
select pu_project from project_user_xref
where pu_permission_level = 0 and pu_user = $user.usid
if $og_external_user = 1 -- external
and $og_other_orgs_permission_level = 0 -- other orgs
select distinct a.us_id, a.us_username
from #temp a
inner join users b on a.us_id = b.us_id
inner join orgs on b.us_id = og_id
where og_external_user = 0 or b.us_org = $user.org
order by a.us_username
select distinct us_id, us_username
from #temp
left outer join project_user_xref on pj_id = pu_project
and us_id = pu_user
where isnull(pu_permission_level,2) <> 0
order by us_username
drop table #temp";
if (Util.get_setting("UseFullNames","0") == "0")
// false condition
sql = sql.Replace("$fullnames","0 = 1");
// true condition
sql = sql.Replace("$fullnames","1 = 1");
sql = sql.Replace("$user.usid",Convert.ToString(security.user.usid));
sql = sql.Replace("$user.org",Convert.ToString(security.user.org));
sql = sql.Replace("$og_external_user",Convert.ToString(security.user.external_user ? 1 : 0));
sql = sql.Replace("$og_other_orgs_permission_level",Convert.ToString(security.user.other_orgs_permission_level));
return dbutil.get_dataset(sql).Tables[0];
public static int get_default_user(int projectid)
if (projectid == 0) {return 0;}
string sql = @"select isnull(pj_default_user,0)
from projects
where pj_id = $pj";
sql = sql.Replace("$pj", Convert.ToString(projectid));
DbUtil dbutil = new DbUtil();
object obj = dbutil.execute_scalar(sql);
if (obj != null)
return (int) obj;
return 0;
public static DataSet get_custom_columns(DbUtil dbutil)
return dbutil.get_dataset(
@"/* custom columns */ select sc.name, st.[name] [datatype], sc.length, sc.xprec, sc.xscale, sc.isnullable,
mm.text [default value],
isnull(ccm_dropdown_type,'') [dropdown type],
isnull(ccm_dropdown_vals,'') [vals],
isnull(ccm_sort_seq, sc.colorder) [column order],
from syscolumns sc
inner join systypes st on st.xusertype = sc.xusertype
inner join sysobjects so on sc.id = so.id
left outer join syscomments mm on sc.cdefault = mm.id
left outer join custom_col_metadata on ccm_colorder = sc.colorder
where so.name = 'bugs'
and st.[name] <> 'sysname'
and sc.name not in ('rowguid',
order by sc.id, isnull(ccm_sort_seq,sc.colorder)");
public static string run_svn(string args_without_password, string svn_username, string svn_password)
// run "svn.exe" and capture its output
System.Diagnostics.Process p = new System.Diagnostics.Process();
string svn_path = Util.get_setting("SubversionPathToSvn", "svn");
p.StartInfo.FileName = svn_path;
p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;
args_without_password += " --non-interactive";
Util.write_to_log ("Subversion command:" + svn_path + " " + args_without_password);
string args_with_password = args_without_password;
if (svn_username != "")
args_with_password += " --username ";
args_with_password += svn_username;
args_with_password += " --password ";
args_with_password += svn_password;
p.StartInfo.Arguments = args_with_password;
string stdout = p.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();
stdout += p.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();
string error = p.StandardError.ReadToEnd();
if (error != "")
if (error != "")
string msg = "ERROR:";
msg += "";
return msg;
return stdout;
public static void get_subversion_connection_info(
DbUtil dbutil,
int bugid,
ref string repository_url,
ref string svn_username,
ref string svn_password,
ref string websvn_url)
repository_url = Util.get_setting("SubversionRepositoryUrl","");
svn_username = Util.get_setting("SubversionUsername","");
svn_password = Util.get_setting("SubversionPassword","");
websvn_url = Util.get_setting("WebSvnUrl","");
string sql = @"
select isnull(pj_subversion_repository_url,'') [pj_subversion_repository_url],
isnull(pj_subversion_username,'') [pj_subversion_username],
isnull(pj_subversion_password,'') [pj_subversion_password],
isnull(pj_websvn_url,'') [pj_websvn_url]
from projects
inner join bugs on pj_id = bg_project
where bg_id = $bg";
sql = sql.Replace("$bg",Convert.ToString(bugid));
DataRow dr = dbutil.get_datarow(sql);
if (dr == null)
if ((string) dr["pj_subversion_repository_url"] != "")
repository_url = (string) dr["pj_subversion_repository_url"] ;
svn_username = (string) dr["pj_subversion_username"] ;
svn_password = (string) dr["pj_subversion_password"] ;
websvn_url = (string) dr["pj_websvn_url"] ;
public static string get_distinct_vals_from_dataset(DataTable dt, int col)
SortedDictionary dict = new SortedDictionary();
foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
dict[Convert.ToString(row[col])] = 1;
string vals = "";
foreach (string s in dict.Keys)
if (vals != "") vals += "|";
vals += s;
return vals;
public static bool check_password_strength(string pw)
if (Util.get_setting("RequireStrongPasswords","0") == "0")
return true;
if (pw.Length < 8) return false;
if (pw.IndexOf("password") > -1) return false;
if (pw.IndexOf("123") > -1) return false;
if (pw.IndexOf("asdf") > -1) return false;
if (pw.IndexOf("qwer") > -1) return false;
if (pw.IndexOf("test") > -1) return false;
int lowercase = 0;
int uppercase = 0;
int digits = 0;
int special_chars = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < pw.Length; i++)
char c = pw[i];
if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') lowercase = 1;
else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') uppercase = 1;
else if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') digits = 1;
else special_chars = 1;
if (lowercase + uppercase + digits + special_chars < 2)
return false;
return true;
} // end Util