// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Angel Marin // // This file is part of SharpMimeTools // // SharpMimeTools is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // SharpMimeTools is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with SharpMimeTools; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- using System; namespace anmar.SharpMimeTools { /// /// rfc 2822 header of a rfc 2045 entity /// public class SharpMimeHeader : System.Collections.IEnumerable { #if LOG private static log4net.ILog log = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType); #endif private static System.Text.Encoding default_encoding = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII; private anmar.SharpMimeTools.SharpMimeMessageStream message; private System.Collections.Specialized.HybridDictionary headers; private System.String _cached_headers = null; private long startpoint; private long endpoint; private long startbody; private struct HeaderInfo { public System.Collections.Specialized.StringDictionary contenttype; public System.Collections.Specialized.StringDictionary contentdisposition; public System.Collections.Specialized.StringDictionary contentlocation; public anmar.SharpMimeTools.MimeTopLevelMediaType TopLevelMediaType; public System.Text.Encoding enc; public System.String subtype; public HeaderInfo ( System.Collections.Specialized.HybridDictionary headers ) { this.TopLevelMediaType = new anmar.SharpMimeTools.MimeTopLevelMediaType(); this.enc = null; try { this.contenttype = anmar.SharpMimeTools.SharpMimeTools.parseHeaderFieldBody ( "Content-Type", headers["Content-Type"].ToString() ); this.TopLevelMediaType = (anmar.SharpMimeTools.MimeTopLevelMediaType)System.Enum.Parse(TopLevelMediaType.GetType(), this.contenttype["Content-Type"].Split('/')[0], true); this.subtype = this.contenttype["Content-Type"].Split('/')[1]; this.enc = anmar.SharpMimeTools.SharpMimeTools.parseCharSet ( this.contenttype["charset"] ); } catch (System.Exception) { this.enc = anmar.SharpMimeTools.SharpMimeHeader.default_encoding; this.contenttype = anmar.SharpMimeTools.SharpMimeTools.parseHeaderFieldBody ( "Content-Type", System.String.Concat("text/plain; charset=", this.enc.BodyName) ); this.TopLevelMediaType = anmar.SharpMimeTools.MimeTopLevelMediaType.text; this.subtype = "plain"; } if ( this.enc==null ) { this.enc = anmar.SharpMimeTools.SharpMimeHeader.default_encoding; } // TODO: rework this try { this.contentdisposition = anmar.SharpMimeTools.SharpMimeTools.parseHeaderFieldBody ( "Content-Disposition", headers["Content-Disposition"].ToString() ); } catch ( System.Exception ) { this.contentdisposition = new System.Collections.Specialized.StringDictionary(); } try { this.contentlocation = anmar.SharpMimeTools.SharpMimeTools.parseHeaderFieldBody ( "Content-Location", headers["Content-Location"].ToString() ); } catch ( System.Exception ) { this.contentlocation = new System.Collections.Specialized.StringDictionary(); } } } private HeaderInfo mt; internal SharpMimeHeader( anmar.SharpMimeTools.SharpMimeMessageStream message ) : this ( message, 0 ){} internal SharpMimeHeader(anmar.SharpMimeTools.SharpMimeMessageStream message, long startpoint) { this.startpoint = startpoint; this.message = message; if ( this.startpoint==0 ) { System.String line = this.message.ReadLine(); // Perhaps there is part of the POP3 response if ( line!=null && line.Length>3 && line[0]=='+' && line[1]=='O' && line[2]=='K' ) { #if LOG if ( log.IsDebugEnabled ) log.Debug ("+OK present at top of the message"); #endif this.startpoint = this.message.Position; } else this.message.ReadLine_Undo(line); } this.headers = new System.Collections.Specialized.HybridDictionary(2, true); this.parse(); } /// /// Initializes a new instance of the class from a /// /// to read headers from public SharpMimeHeader( System.IO.Stream message ) : this( new anmar.SharpMimeTools.SharpMimeMessageStream (message), 0 ) { } /// /// /// /// public SharpMimeHeader( System.Byte[] message ) : this( new anmar.SharpMimeTools.SharpMimeMessageStream (message), 0 ) { } /// /// Initializes a new instance of the class from a starting from the specified point /// /// the to read headers from /// initial point of the where the headers start public SharpMimeHeader( System.IO.Stream message, long startpoint ) : this( new anmar.SharpMimeTools.SharpMimeMessageStream (message), startpoint ) { } /// /// Gets header fields /// /// field name /// Field names is case insentitive public System.String this[ System.Object name ] { get { return this.getProperty( name.ToString() ); } } /// /// /// /// public void Close(){ this._cached_headers = this.message.ReadLines( this.startpoint, this.endpoint ); this.message.Close(); } /// /// /// /// /// public bool Contains ( System.String name ) { if ( this.headers==null ) this.parse(); return this.headers.Contains(name); } /// /// Returns an enumerator that can iterate through the header fields /// /// A for the header fields public System.Collections.IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { return headers.GetEnumerator(); } /// /// Returns the requested header field body. /// /// Header field name /// Value to return when the requested field is not present /// true to uncomment using ; false to return the value unchanged. /// true to decode ; false to return the value unchanged. /// Header field body public System.String GetHeaderField ( System.String name, System.String defaultvalue, bool uncomment, bool rfc2047decode ) { System.String tmp = this.getProperty(name); if ( tmp==null ) tmp = defaultvalue; else { if ( uncomment ) tmp = anmar.SharpMimeTools.SharpMimeTools.uncommentString(tmp); if ( rfc2047decode ) tmp = anmar.SharpMimeTools.SharpMimeTools.rfc2047decode(tmp); } return tmp; } private System.String getProperty ( System.String name ) { System.String Value=null; name = name.ToLower(); this.parse(); if ( this.headers!=null && this.headers.Count > 0 && name!=null && name.Length>0 && this.headers.Contains(name) ) Value = this.headers[name].ToString(); return Value; } private bool parse () { bool error = false; if ( this.headers.Count>0 ) { return !error; } System.String line = System.String.Empty; this.message.SeekPoint ( this.startpoint ); this.message.Encoding = anmar.SharpMimeTools.SharpMimeHeader.default_encoding; for ( line=this.message.ReadUnfoldedLine(); line!=null ; line=this.message.ReadUnfoldedLine() ) { if ( line.Length == 0 ) { this.endpoint = this.message.Position_preRead; this.startbody = this.message.Position; this.message.ReadLine_Undo(line); break; } else { String [] headerline = line.Split ( new Char[] {':'}, 2); if ( headerline.Length == 2 ) { headerline[1] = headerline[1].TrimStart(new Char[] {' '}); if ( this.headers.Contains ( headerline[0]) ) { this.headers[headerline[0]] = System.String.Concat(this.headers[headerline[0]], "\r\n", headerline[1]); } else { this.headers.Add (headerline[0].ToLower(), headerline[1]); } } } } this.mt = new HeaderInfo ( this.headers ); return !error; } /// /// Gets the point where the headers end /// /// Point where the headers end public long BodyPosition { get { return this.startbody; } } /// /// Gets CC header field /// /// CC header body public System.String Cc { get { return this.GetHeaderField("Cc", System.String.Empty, true, false); } } /// /// Gets the number of header fields found /// public int Count { get { return this.headers.Count; } } /// /// Gets Content-Disposition header field /// /// Content-Disposition header body public System.String ContentDisposition { get { return this.GetHeaderField("Content-Disposition", System.String.Empty, true, false); } } /// /// Gets the elements found in the Content-Disposition header body /// /// with the elements found in the header body public System.Collections.Specialized.StringDictionary ContentDispositionParameters { get { return this.mt.contentdisposition; } } /// /// Gets Content-ID header field /// /// Content-ID header body public System.String ContentID { get { return this.GetHeaderField("Content-ID", System.String.Empty, true, false); } } /// /// Gets Content-Location header field /// /// Content-Location header body public System.String ContentLocation { get { return this.GetHeaderField("Content-Location", System.String.Empty, true, false); } } /// /// Gets the elements found in the Content-Location header body /// /// with the elements found in the header body public System.Collections.Specialized.StringDictionary ContentLocationParameters { get { return this.mt.contentlocation; } } /// /// Gets Content-Transfer-Encoding header field /// /// Content-Transfer-Encoding header body public System.String ContentTransferEncoding { get { System.String tmp = this.GetHeaderField("Content-Transfer-Encoding", null, false, false); if ( tmp!=null ) { tmp = tmp.ToLower(); } return tmp; } } /// /// Gets Content-Type header field /// /// Content-Type header body public System.String ContentType { get { return this.GetHeaderField("Content-Type", System.String.Concat("text/plain; charset=", this.mt.enc.BodyName), false, false); } } /// /// Gets the elements found in the Content-Type header body /// /// with the elements found in the header body public System.Collections.Specialized.StringDictionary ContentTypeParameters { get { return this.mt.contenttype; } } /// /// Gets Date header field /// /// Date header body public System.String Date { get { return this.GetHeaderField("Date", System.String.Empty, true, false); } } /// /// Gets found on the headers and applies to the body /// /// for the body public System.Text.Encoding Encoding { get { this.parse(); return this.mt.enc; } } /// /// Gets or sets the default used when it isn't defined otherwise. /// /// The used when it isn't defined otherwise /// The default value is as defined in RFC 2045 section 5.2.
/// If you change this value you'll be violating this rfc section.
public static System.Text.Encoding EncodingDefault { get {return default_encoding; } set { if ( value!=null && !value.BodyName.Equals(System.String.Empty) ) default_encoding=value; else default_encoding=System.Text.Encoding.ASCII; } } /// /// Gets From header field /// /// From header body public System.String From { get { return this.GetHeaderField("From", System.String.Empty, true, false); } } /// /// Gets Raw headers /// /// From header body public System.String RawHeaders { get { if ( this._cached_headers!=null ) return this._cached_headers; else return this.message.ReadLines( this.startpoint, this.endpoint ); } } /// /// Gets Message-ID header field /// /// Message-ID header body public System.String MessageID { get { return this.GetHeaderField("Message-ID", System.String.Empty, true, false); } } /// /// Gets reply address as defined by rfc 2822 /// /// Reply address public System.String Reply { get { if ( !this.ReplyTo.Equals(System.String.Empty) ) return this.ReplyTo; else return this.From; } } /// /// Gets Reply-To header field /// /// Reply-To header body public System.String ReplyTo { get { return this.GetHeaderField("Reply-To", System.String.Empty, true, false); } } /// /// Gets Return-Path header field /// /// Return-Path header body public System.String ReturnPath { get { return this.GetHeaderField("Return-Path", System.String.Empty, true, false); } } /// /// Gets Sender header field /// /// Sender header body public System.String Sender { get { return this.GetHeaderField("Sender", System.String.Empty, true, false); } } /// /// Gets Subject header field /// /// Subject header body public System.String Subject { get { return this.GetHeaderField("Subject", System.String.Empty, false, false); } } /// /// Gets SubType from Content-Type header field /// /// SubType from Content-Type header field public System.String SubType { get { this.parse(); return this.mt.subtype; } } /// /// Gets To header field /// /// To header body public System.String To { get { return this.GetHeaderField("To", System.String.Empty, true, false); } } /// /// Gets top-level media type from Content-Type header field /// /// Top-level media type from Content-Type header field public anmar.SharpMimeTools.MimeTopLevelMediaType TopLevelMediaType { get { this.parse(); return this.mt.TopLevelMediaType; } } /// /// Gets Version header field /// /// Version header body public System.String Version { get { return this.GetHeaderField("Version", "1.0", true, false); } } } /// /// RFC 2046 Initial top-level media types /// [Flags] public enum MimeTopLevelMediaType { /// /// RFC 2046 section 4.1 /// text = 1, /// /// RFC 2046 section 4.2 /// image = 2, /// /// RFC 2046 section 4.3 /// audio = 4, /// /// RFC 2046 section 4.4 /// video = 8, /// /// RFC 2046 section 4.5 /// application = 16, /// /// RFC 2046 section 5.1 /// multipart = 32, /// /// RFC 2046 section 5.2 /// message = 64 } }