<%@ Page language="C#"%> btnet edit org <% security.write_menu(Response, "admin"); %>
back to organizations
Organization Name:  

Can members of this organization view/edit bugs associated with other organizations?
Permission level for bugs associated with other (or no) organizations
External users   (External users cannot view posts marked "Visible for internal usrs only")  
Members of this org appear in "assigned to" dropdown in edit bug page  
Non-admin with permission to add users can add users to this org  

Field level permissions
"Project" field permission
"Organization" field permission
"Category" field permission
"Priority" field permission
"Status" field permission
"Assigned To" field permission
User Defined Attribute field permission

Use the following settings to control permissions for non-admins.
Admins have all permissions regardless of these settings.
Can edit sql and create/edit queries for everybody  
Can delete bugs  
Can edit and delete comments and attachments  
Can merge two bugs into one  
Can mass edit bugs on search page  
Can use reports  
Can create/edit reports  
<% Response.Write(Application["custom_footer"]); %>