In order to work with the bugs.aspx page, your SQL must be structured in a particular way.
The first column must be either a color starting with "#" or a CSS style class. If it does not start with "#" it will be interpreted as a CSS style class.
View example on how to use priority and/or status
to determine the CSS style.
The second column must be "bg_id".
You can use the magic word "$ME" in your query which will be replaced by your user ID.
For example:
select isnull(pr_background_color,'#ffffff'), bg_id [id], bg_short_desc
from bugs
left outer join priorities on bg_priority = pr_id
where bg_assigned_to_user = $ME
Another magic word is "$FLAG", which is what controls whether a query shows the "!" column that lets an individual user flag items for himself.
To use it, add the SQL shown below to your select columns and do a "left outer join" to the bug_user_flags table.
Select ...., isnull(fl_flag,0) [$FLAG],...
from bugs
left outer join bug_user_flags on fl_bug = bg_id and fl_user = $ME