The query "demo use of css classes" has as its first column a CSS class name that is
composed of the priority's CSS class name concatenated with the status's CSS
class name. The SQL looks like this:
select isnull(pr_style + st_style,'datad'), bg_id [id], bg_short_desc [desc], .... etc
Note that in the sql, where there isn't both a priority CSS class and a status CSS class
available, the default CSS class name of "datad" is used. The following list lets you see
how all the different priority/status combinations will look. Click on a link to edit
a priority or a status.
if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
Response, ds, "", "",false);
Response.Write ("No priority/status combos in the database.");
Relevant lines from btnet_custom.css:
<% Response.Write(Application["custom_footer"]); %>