ADMIN - SEE "NotificationEmailEnabled", "NotificationEmailFrom", "SmtpServer" settings in Web.config.
To receive email notifications when items are added or changed, fill in your email address, enable notifications, and then select "Auto-subscribe to all items" or the other options.
Enable notifications: |
You can AUTOMATICALLY subscribe to receive notifications to items by selecting either "Auto-subscribe to all items" or by selecting the other options.
Auto-subscribe to all items: |
Auto-subscribe per project: |
Hold down Ctrl key to select multiple items.
Auto-subscribe to all items ASSIGNED TO you: |
Auto-subscribe to all items REPORTED BY you: |
Apply subscription changes retroactively: |
Delete old subscriptions and create new ones, according to above settings. |
You can REDUCE or INCREASE the amount of email you receive by selecting the following.
Notifications for subscribed <% Response.Write(Util.get_setting("PluralBugLabel","bugs")); %> reported by me: |
Notifications for subscribed <% Response.Write(Util.get_setting("PluralBugLabel","bugs")); %> assigned to me: |
Notifications for all other subscribed <% Response.Write(Util.get_setting("PluralBugLabel","bugs")); %>: |
Send notifications even for items you add or change: |